Friday, April 1, 2011

the LOVVEE of cake adventure continues

ok so I have been gone for a while but I am back and ready to carry on the story of my LOOVVEEE of cake and how it all began....

so hmmm where to start well lets just say that when I started studying to be a chef I was not a lover of cake and infact I was not a fan of the pastry side of the kitchen, but I dont know how or when but it just happened , and just as quick as I had been to hate the pastry side I was as quick if not faster to LOOVVEE it.. and cake for that matter too

I remember with great fondness the first thing I made on my first night of service in the kitchen... a Lemoncurd baked tart... it is absolutely amazing and I remember its super lemony flavour and it made my tastebuds tingle and do a little dance and to this day I am a LOVER of this tart...

of course the fact that one of the sexy senior boys at college "Sexy Geoff" happened to teach me how to make it had nothing to do with my LOVE of the tart ;-)
and from that moment on I was in LOOVVEE with all things pastry...

this LOVE carried on when I was introduced to all the amazing flavours I was going to have to try to recreate and at that point I knew this was my kind of art, my very own way to express my creative side and by golly I was going to do just that !

and luckily for me I was able to make a few amazing friends along the way that I still share my LOVE of cake with! and for us no matter how little or how often we see each other, cake will always bring us together ...

I dont know what it is about making pastries, cakes, cookies , desserts, chocolates or bread but they just seem to absorb every, everything within me and I become totally ingrossed in the sheer act or art of making... and this I know is where my heart truly lies.. always and forever

I have tried many other paths along the way and I always find myself returning to my LOOVVEE of cake! .. the crazy long hours and little money dont seem to matter so long as I am able to make my cake, I am happy with a smile on my face, even content I would say.

so untill next time and the continued adventure of my LOVVEE of cake :-)...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

the beginning of cake ...

OK so as I've said before I LOOVVEEE cake !!!

here is a little more insider info on exactly how my love for cake came about ...
first things first...
me becoming a chef was not how it was meant to go down according to my 16year old self ...
I was going to become a forensic pathologist, I took all the clever subjects that were needed you know to prepare my brain and stuff ..
how this eventually equated to me becoming a pastry chef is still a mystery to me ..

I'd say about mid way through my matric year was my "AAAHHH"*shining beam of light down on my head* moment ..where it all fell into place and I was destined to be a chef , I knew I loved food and that was it ! ..

so being me I did a little research and found the best place possible to help live out my dream !

the most exciting part of it all was that I was moving cities and was going to make so many new and interesting friends... which I'm happy to say was exactly how it worked and I'm still good friends with a few of the quirky lot I met in the sunny city!!

so the FIRST day arrives and it feels like the FIRST day of school all over again.. you know a BUZZ in the air ...
butterflies in my tummy everybody checking everybody out .. guys looking at the girls and vice verse... everybody you know just surveying everybody ...

then comes day two where we are all in our stark white uniforms, silly hats, innocent smiles on our faces not knowing what to expect..
all of us having a very striking resemblance to the Pillsbury dough boy ..

all in all I think the cleanest we ever were for the duration of our time in the wonderful place and I say wonderful with all the fibre of my being as it was and will always be one of the happiest times in my life... and the memories and laughs I take from those days I wish I could relive always and forever . don't get me wrong it was damn hard work and I'm sure I did my fair share of bitching and moaning but it was still awe inspiring!!

and so my LLOOOOVVVEEE of cake begins !

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A First for me .... ;-)

ok so this is my very first post on my very FIRST blog !
yay to me for taking the leap and getting it going .....
I have lots of friends with blogs of their own and I guess I just got a little jealous ..he he
okay a little about me well where to start hmmm...

well I have followed many paths in my life and in my eyes all were there for a reason and each path followed has given me some form of experience ,whether it be life experience or practical experience ...

I am a pastry chef, a swimming instructor, a nanny, a journalist and am currently tasting a little of the audio-visual pie...

you could kind of say I'm a little undecided.. yet I do love them all and if I could just combine them all I would ..

so you will probably ask which is my favourite .. well that is difficult as they are all so different yet I have felt equally attracted to them all in some way or another ..

so my first taste was that of becoming the pastry chef ...
well in all honesty i think this is the one I truly love the most !
just thinking about making cakes and cupcakes makes my
heart fill with such joy and absolute happiness!! that i could think of nothing better to do ....
this is a picture of a yummy,moreish chocolate cake i made for my birthday this year ...oh how i LOOOVVVEEE cake !!

till next time !